Covid info
Consultation during COVID-19
In light of the current situation under COVID-19 restrictions and social distancing measures, temporary Pre-Application Community Consultation regulations were introduced. These removed the requirement for a public event but encouraged and provided guidance for alternative consultation measures. We are using a number of online, digital and remote tools to help you view, discuss and provide feedback to help shape/ influence our proposals.
Purpose of Consultation and Next Steps
The purpose of this webpage is to share our indicative proposals with the community and other interested parties prior to the submission of a Full planning application to Belfast City Council.
We are committed to engaging with members of the wider community and are now undertaking a period of pre-application community consultation on our proposals.
The feedback received will be shared with the design team and will help to shape our proposals prior to the submission of a full Planning Application. We will prepare a Pre-Application Community Consultation (PACC) Report which will provide a summary of all feedback, our response and how we have incorporated any appropriate feedback into the final proposals for the scheme. This report will be submitted as part of the planning application to Belfast City Council.